Coastal Bend Bays Foundation (CBBF) is a member-based non-profit 501(c)(3) public interest organization that proudly serves the Coastal Bend community. We are dedicated to the conservation of freshwater and coastal natural resources for current and future generations through communication, advocacy, research, and education.
Your donation today not only signifies a dedication to conserving our valuable natural coastal resources; it also directly supports the meaningful and inspirational work being conducted through CBBF projects and programs, such as the Conservation & Environmental Stewardship Awards Banquet, Earth Day- Bay Day, Beach Clean-ups, Coastal Issue Forums, and Habitat Restoration and Planting, just to name a few.
Every donation makes a difference- every dollar counts! We look forward to putting your donation to work by collaborating with community, business, industry, academia, government, and citizens to build awareness and stewardship for our fresh and marine coastal environments.
All donations to CBBF are tax deductible.
Together we are Coastal Bend Bays Foundation!

To make a donation, please contact:
Cristal Guerrero, Project Manager
Or donate online